Pursuant to R.A. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act, Holy Heart Christian Academy (HHCA) is committed to the protection of the personal data you provide and respects your value as a data subject in accordance with the requirements of the law and its implementing rules and regulations.

Accordingly, HHCA implements reasonable safeguards to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data.

By accessing HHCA’s website, you are giving your full consent to HHCA and its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners and service providers, if any, to collect, store, access and/or process within the Philippines, whether manually or electronically, for the allowable period under the law, any personal data you provide for legitimate purpose in HHCA’s business as a school and as a corporate entity.

When accessing HHCA’s website, cookies are used by HHCA to make use of the HHCA’s log-in procedure. They are not currently used to track your usage, nor are they used in any other way at this time. We do not keep track of what pages you visit except to deliver a customized service or to provide a personalized service you have requested (for example, to display new announcements).

You are advised that whatever personal data is required herein is necessary for the conduct of HHCA’s business as well as to provide quality services.

HHCA gives notice that the Privacy Notice may change from time to time in keeping with updates under the law and its implementing rules and regulations.

Your continued use and access to the website, after having read this Privacy Notice, signifies that you have understood the same and its implications under existing laws and rules and regulations.